Wednesday, September 13, 2006

100 posts

Wow today is a milestone for me with the blog. This is my 100th post. I started my Art Dog Blog back in February of 05. Over a year later I have finally reached 100 posts. I feel like I should have something monumental to talk about today, but I'm afraid this may just be another regular old post. As I mentioned before this September also marks our 8th birthday here at Art Paw. I guess more than anything today I am very aware of my human trait of marking time, and the odd yardsticks we use to measure success. So do I have a successful blog, are people even reading it? I really don't know, all I know is I feel good about reaching that triple digit number.

So what is all this in doggy years?

My furkids don't mark time at all, just lamp posts, trees, and the occasional fence post. Our Scotties go on 2 walks a day every single day of the week so they go on around 730 walks a year. I have never once heard them bragging about reaching 200, 300, 400 or so walks. No, but I do hear from them if the walk is late. It is easy to look at our pups and wish we could be more zen about life. The reality is that simple actions like updating a blog on a regular basis can be viewed as a zen like discipline. All I know for sure is that I do enjoy blogging.

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