Friday, September 22, 2006

Animal Art in the News

Charging Bull ... watch out Wal-Mart!
Wal-Mart has found itself in trouble over copyright issues involving a Bull. Artist Arturo Di Modica is the sculptor responsible for the famous charging bull statue near Wall Street. Evidently knock off copies of the art are being sold for profit by Wal-Mart Check out the full story at

Australian Petroglyphs in Danger

The world's largest collection of ancient rock art is being threatened by a new gas project. Kangaroos, goannas, porcupines, and emus, are just a few of the animal rock art subjects facing damage by acid rain from petrochemical plants in Dampier Archipelago Australia. The animal art carvings are 6,000 to 30,000 years old and chronicle the cultural heritage of ancient Aboriginal societies.

Rotting Shark and longevity issues around conceptual art
Ok this story from June seems like a good follow up to the last. Artist Damien Hirst is negotiating with his clients to replace the shark in his iconic work, The physical impossibility of death in the mind of someone living, 1991. The artwork consists of a large dead shark suspended in a huge tank filled with formaldehyde. The shark is "starting to change" shall we say, and the artist is agreeable to changing out the specimen as needed. I don't know, seems as though a rotting shark might be it's own statement, and even more interesting than the original. I also agree with those that posted to complain about killing animals and calling it Art. How many sharks will he have to kill to maintain his conceptual artwork over the course of a lifteime?

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