Monday, September 18, 2006

Swimming with the dolphins

This week I get to swim with the dolphins, at any rate I find myself in the deep end of the pool. I am very excited to be working on a non-furry client. I am posting this piece in progress as I have a feeling this one may take a few days. So far I have just played with colors and filters. I still need to go in and add lots of paint strokes and texture. I love the opportunity to play with unusual subjects and this will be my very first dolphin.

People often ask me what my most unusual request has been. It is hard to say, we have done lizards, frogs, hamsters, horses, all kinds of birds, monkeys, even a gold fish. I can not wait to see how this dolphin evolves. It is always refreshing to break away from my 4-legged subject matter and tackle something new. I'll try and post again soon on this guy.

I started this piece without enough info and I just got an update from this cool dolphin's human. Here is the personal scoop on this clever girl: "The dolphins name that you are working on is "Ding-a-ling." She is the alpha female in charge of a family of 14 Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. She is around 30 yrs. old and drop dead georgous!"
Thanks to Sarah for the background info. Now I am really personally attached ... ya just gotta love those old Alpha girls! Wish I could swim with her.

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