Wednesday, October 04, 2006

How Now Blue Cow?

This is a recent wacom sketch of a lovely blue cow. It is from a photo I took at my Dad's ranch. I really like the strong black line that I used to define her back.
Things are back to normal around here today. The "internets" are all working well again and life is good. None of the scotties drug in any new prey so it was a day with very little drama.

In the studio/
Allison has started designing a new site for me and she is doing a fantastic job. I will be posting more info on that new domain soon. I had 3 new painterly orders come in this week and I have already started on these. Next week Dan will be here running things while I escape on a mini vacation with my Dad. It will be great to clear my head before the holiday rush really gets going. When I return I will probably be working every day until 07. I don't mind, this is my favorite time of year.


  1. Hi there,

    I just came across your blog, and saw your very nice paintings. My mama is looking for an artist to draw from one of my pictures. I think she likes your workd *wink*

    Love nibbles,
    Miss Sunshade

  2. Hey Miss Sunshade-
    We would love to work with your pics so tell your mama to get some snaps off to us. Be sure and check out our site to see the many styles that we offer. I'm the human in charge around here and I do most of the artwork. I'm also lucky to have a lot of talented people around helping me out.
