Friday, October 13, 2006

Kerrville Texas

Well I finally was able to break away. I am in Kerrville Texas with my Dad on a quick road trip. We are staying in a nice Holiday Inn that has an absurd Texas shaped pool .... pretty silly and wonderful. I will have to come back when it is warm enough to swim. Dan is holding down the fort at home and helping Allison with Art Paw.

Today I think we are going to go visit an olive oil company that grows their own olives ( yea here in Texas), should be fun. I just did a quick sketch of Ajax from an old favorite picture I had on this laptop. Oh, and Dan hooked me up with a verizon pc card so Yay I am connected while away. This is the first time I have traveled with the internet and boy is it sweet. I answered a couple of client questions from the car yesterday on the way down here. I sort of wish I could take off for 3 months in a silverstream travel trailer and blog and sketch across America with the Scotties in tow. That would be the life. I'll post some travel pics soon.

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