Saturday, February 10, 2007

All things Warhol

Well Andy is in the news a lot lately. Anyone up for a road trip to Reno? If you are in that neck of the woods be sure and drop by the Nevada Museum of Art and check out Andy Warhol's Dream America exhibit. The exhibit focuses on his printmaking career and runs from January 20 through May 27.

Twenty years after his death Warhol has never been more popular, his portrait of Brigitte Bardot, recently sold for $10.3 million, more than double its estimated price.

Factory Girl is opening here in Dallas this weekend and I know where I will be on Sunday. From every thing I read it promises to be not a very fun romp in the park, but what the heck. Warhol's longtime friend Brigid Berlin is said to have been so taken with Guy Pearce's portrayal of Andy that she gave him a gift of her recorded phone conversations with Andy. Click here for more on that story.

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