Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cedar Waxwings

It is trying to be spring here in Texas, although winter keeps creeping back in as soon as you start to go for those capri pants and short sleeve shirts. Last week I had some stunning little visitors in my bird bath. I tried to get some good shots of these guys, but failed miserably. This black & white image was a lucky shot and I love the light coming through his feathers. These guys are Cedar Waxwings and a google image search will yield better pics than I was able to capture.
These pretty little birds move through here every spring. They hung around a couple of days longer during this migration ... probably due to the berries on one of our hedges. They managed to speckle both the sidewalks and my car with a dark purple stain. I washed my Jeep the 1st day they bombed it only to find it stained again the next day. I can not get too mad ... they are just so beautiful.


  1. Wow that is a beautiful bird, and a beautiful photograph, too!! How velvety the bird looks, and the photograph really makes birdy look angelic. Cool wings.

    The name "Cedar Waxwings" sounds like a good song name for the Cocteau Twins. (Random observation of the day... ;) )

  2. Perdy birds. I wish spring birds would come to Colorado soon...this winter has lasted way too long.

    Happy Valentine's Day Miss Rebecca! Abby and I send lots of hugs and kisses!
