Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Custom Dog Portraits

What a busy week. I have had a few clients in and out this past week. I got to meet Keegen's human. Keegen is a stunning Whippet that I "painted " for a local patron as a valentines gift to his sweetheart. He went with the dramatic red background from his proof set. I am showing the pattern ground here because I really like the peach shade in this version of this background. I tend to recycle or "re-purpose" as they say in the design biz ... a lot of our backgrounds, and the one shown below is a brand new flavor for one of my all time favorite patterns from 06.


I also got to play with Miss Ginger for my pal Diane to give to her hubby Bill. This will be Ginger's 5th portrait I think. She is one spoiled princess as this latest work shows only to well. For those of you wondering ... no I did not have to photoshop the crown on to this girl ... she had her own crown on in the original snapshot. Yep ...she is spoiled.



  1. Ginger made me laugh...these are both beautiful, Rebecca. Really like the background on Keegan too.

  2. Wow! What beautiful work...You have a wonderful sense of color...

  3. Thanks Ladies. Jill your work is terrific ... going to go dig through your blog now.
