Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Art Paw Pet Portrait on the Today Show!

Check out the Today Show tomorrow March 5th, and look for Susanna Salk's heirloom design feature. We are going to have a portrait featured on this design segment. Susanna contacted us a month ago wanting a Master Paw Style Portrait sample to feature. We asked her if we could do her dog for this and she agreed. We are very excited about this fun PR opportunity.
This adorable classic canine is "Molly".

Oh, and anyone wanting a Master Paw Style Portrait should order in March as they have been slightly reduced in price this month to coincide with this terrific Today Show Segment.


  1. Congratulations Rebecca!!!! I cannot wait to watch the segment.
    How wonderful!
    :) melissa

  2. Thanks so much Melissa! Yea, I am crossing fingers that nothing goes wrong ...you know sometimes stories get bumped around ... what have you. I was checking out their site ....if we get lucky the segment may end up on-line and we will link to it if that happens.

  3. COOL, Becca! Congrats on that...can't wait to see it. "Molly" is the perfect ambassador for ArtPaw.:)

    By the way...nice job on the promo. What a great PR tool!
