Saturday, May 24, 2008

Color Resource List

Have a colorful weekend everyone. Here is a short list of links and resources to bring a rainbow of color info into your world.

Pantone fashion color report spring 2008

Adobe: Basic Color Theory For The Desk Top

Understanding how complimentary colors work can really make a piece of art pop right off the wall. Check out the article at Wikipedia On Complimentary Colors.

Browser Safe Palette
( See Article by Lynda Weinam on The Web-Safe Color Dilemma )

The Color Association of The United States has a cool color trivia game

101 Color Resources For Web Designers

Wet Canvas has a great list of articles on Color Theory

For Color Inspiration ... try Flickr and search keyword Color
Check out their many color groups


  1. Thanks for the book recomendation!
    I'm going to be doing a series on "The Interaction of Color" if you'd like to read along

  2. Thank you so much for introducing us to! I am now fully obsessed with the site, and even put a post on my blog today with my favorite palettes, and a shout-out to you Rebecca! (p.s. let me know if I got your last name wrong- I don't know which one you use!)

    blog post:

    my handle on punchdrunk

    LOVED this week's post on colors!!!
