Monday, July 07, 2008

Cow Doggy Ocho

" Ocho The Cow Dog" ( See all proofs here )

This sweet pup is ready for a local pick-up. I think her human went with the orange background, I posted the green sample today because my Monday is going to be green ... I can just tell. Ocho reminded me so much of our old foster girl Luna.

Art Paw is hiring. We are looking for local Dallas Photoshop talent.

I am swamped with summer orders, and currently taking commissions for the holidays. Due to rising material costs our prices will be going up in August so this is a great time to order and save.


  1. i love your blog and art, I am an aspiring pet portrait artist,(regular artist for years) and I've discovered corel about make my life easier!!!!!
    most of my stuff has been gifts and donations..I love your tips about marketing >>>there's a lot to learn and i'm trying to figure out colleges and different backgrounds>>>>did i mention I love your site and I'm still lurking , but getting braver!!!!! Collette

  2. Collette-
    Thanks for commenting, and for the praise. Please visit again. I do try to share my resources on occasion and I enjoy supporting other artists. E-mail me a link to your site and I would be happy to check it out and share it with my readers.
