Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hogwarts for Artists

Yes Virginia there really is a Hogwarts for artists and it is called Penland.

When I was studying jewelry & metalworking back in the 80's at college I dreamed of taking courses at Penland. Penland is an amazing school located in the Mountains of North Carolina. While on vacation last week we toured the campus and I realized that all the mythology about this place was true. It really is a magical place to create. I never got around to leaving my kitties for the summer back when I was 20 to head off to Penland, but it is never too late. I think next summer may just be the summer that I take a workshop.
portion of mosaic wall ( above)
A dorm (above)
Metals studio (above)
"From the outside looking in"
Pottery studio
The school is a combination of stone covered cottage style studio buildings along side more modern facilities. There are trees everywhere and windows are flung wide open to take advantage of the cool mountain air and ample sunshine. The courses include workshops in paper, metals, fibers, ceramics, photography, painting & drawing.


  1. Hi Rebecca!
    Oh you are so right! It is never too late! You will love art camp! I am going next week to Anderson Ranch. I think camp is more fun when you send yourself instead of being sent as a kid.:)

  2. Melissa lucky girl! I just checked them out on-line way too cool. What are you going to take ... my guess is print making.

  3. Ohhh! That looks like a blast! I could spend my whole summer there!

  4. What a cool place! It's never too late to go to school/camp when it's something you're passionate about. I'm 45 and in the middle of working on a Master's Degree. Something I NEVER thought I'd do! Put it on your calendar and go for it!!
