Monday, August 18, 2008

Dogs Rule Mosaic

Dogs Rule Mosaic
Originally uploaded by jillbeninato
I have been needing to blog about a recent Book project I was a part of Called The Dogs Rule Fatbook. I am still needing to shoot some pics for that post. So in the meantime check out the new mosaic work by the organizer of that book project Jill Beninato.

A new member of the mosaic sisterhood, Jill is a talented artist in many medias. I just learned recently that like me she studied jewelry & metalworking in school, and even ran a successful jewelry design business for several years.

The mosaic here is only her 2nd and she is going at this solo with no classes. I love the green & red. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!


  1. I just left Jill a comment about her new mosaic. I think it looks fantastic!

  2. I just did the same as Manon. :-) Love her mosaics and can't believe she's so new to this. Thanks for posting her work! Christine

  3. Wow, thanks guys for clicking through to Jill's stream and commenting. Poor gal is out there on her own, no workshop or class, she is just doin' it baby. I know she will enjoy the input. Yep, she is very good already, she makes me want to do glass dogs .... must resist... must resist.
