Monday, March 09, 2009

Catch You on The Flip Side!

" Wag The Dane"
( 17 x 14 on canvas)
" Go West Little Westie"
( 16 x 8 on canvas)
Hey everyone, I am ready to catch you on the flip-side for a wagging good time. This week I will be starting a new Artist Choice Promo. In the past my Artist Choice Promos have been discounted portrait projects within a theme, like "pets on flower backgrounds", or other such concepts. This time around I am going to borrow a working model from my artist pal Leigh Jackson and set my terms up a wee bit different, making it a "call for photos" with no purchase obligations. The reason for this is that the project is going to be a total experiment for me and I am not sure I can get people to pay for artwork of their dog's butt. Yep you heard me right, I want to paint your dog's butt. I am wanting high resolution ( 1mb or higher), of dogs shot from behind, or photos where the tail is visible and important. I will create artwork in a variety of sizes, styles and media. I will be posting more on the project soon. I am still working out my terms page.

Why The Flip-Side?

As a commercial portrait artist going into my 11th year I sort have this pet portrait thing down. The eyes are the window to the soul so you make them sparkle, you strive for perky ears and you rotate heads a lot. You also deal with a lot of glow eye and tiny resolution photographs. I want to look at more of my subjects now and try to catch the essence of "dog" through that all important tail end part that shows so much joy ... yes the waggy tail. Backsides where pups are staring off into the distance can also be quite nice and so a tail is not 100% required.

The goal is to capture a mood without the emphasis being on the face. So start shooting people. Ooops that did not sound right, I really meant to say " People, start shooting your dogs from behind".

I will post more on this later in the week. To send photos attach them as jpgs and mail to please use flip-side as your subject line.


  1. I love your concept!! I'll have to dig through my reference photos and see what I can find - this promises to be a very fun project!!

  2. Thanks Kimberly. I am very excited about it. It will be a blast to do something different. I find my non-directed experimental artwork always fuels new life and creativity into my commercial work.

  3. I think this will be very cool Rebecca!! Awesome idea!

    Thanks for leaving that lovely comment on my blog! If I don't create something on a daily basis I go crazy..... lol! No masterpieces just piece of mind!

  4. Thanks Manon. Are you kidding ... you have lots of masterpieces! And you are right, what matters most is keeping the sanity through healthy creativity!

  5. Hey again Rebecca!
    I'm giving you an award! It's on my latest post! Please don't feel obliged to do all the stuff that comes with it! It took me forever..... lol!

  6. This is such a neat idea! I have a couple of butt pics if you're interested. You can email me at allisonwalton79 at gmail dot com.

  7. Love this idea!! And yes you know how much I love Leigh's business model so, it's neat to see someone skew it with their own concept. I will send photos of my dogs... er, butts. A photo shoot is in order!! (For both you and Leigh!!)

  8. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I love your new work Rebecca! My little bull terrier has a crooked tail. Not the best butt to paint. LOL. :)

  9. oh how fun rebecca!
    what a great idea!

  10. hi rebecca!
    i just sent you a photo. :) let me know if it came through ok.
    :) melissa

  11. YAY!!! Emmitt will be my first doggy Tail to tell.

  12. I posted your dog butt promo on my blog today...I don't have a good Darby butt shot. Need to work on it.

    Your Scotties are terrific!

  13. Oh my...I need to get you a Maisie butt shot! LOVE the idea!

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