Tuesday, March 03, 2009

New Pet Portraits in the Works

"Nadine, Jackson, Annie" ( ready for color)

"LuLu" ( ready for more color)
"Prince" ( ready for specified color)

I have several new projects underway and several old projects to finalize. I thought that this week might be light, however I was mistaken. I seem to have a lot of projects to juggle. I am going to try to get several clients updated on Thursday and several new clients will have at least a working sketch in hand by Friday.

All of the projects in this post are underway. Jackson the Bulldog & Husky pals will be a fun project for a local client. I have a pic of the room it will go in and I will be able to mock these 3 projects up in photoshop later in the game so the client can see how they will look at home. Lulu needs more color and a variety of background options, she is almost done. Prince the Doberman will be fun to finalize since the client has given very specific color notes and background ideas. The ray beams shown here will probably not make the cut since she specified no borders or geometrics ... oh well, sometimes I have to try things out for myself even when I know they may not be the 1st choice for the client.

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