Friday, May 08, 2009

Rebecca Collins Has a new Site

I have been working on a new portfolio site, "". I still have a few kinks to work out in the menu and I need to add more animal art, but the mosaic gallery is looking good. My pet portrait site Art Paw is also due for a makeover, but that will have to wait awhile. I decided it was time to work on my personal site because I am going to be showing my mosaics this month and it has been a long time since I have given that domain any love. I really should try harder to keep it fresh and make sure it reflects what I am working on in my non-commercial art life.

The mosaic below is going to be in an upcoming show at the Dallas Bath House. The show is called "EXQUISITE CREATURES: The Mermaid and Octopus Show ". The opening reception is tomorrow night from 7-9. It is a group show and I am really looking forward to seeing all of the other sea creatures. It should be a fun night.


  1. hi rebecca!
    oh it looks great! i love your mosacis!
    have fun at the show! i wish i could go!


  2. Thanks Melissa, I wish you could come too.

  3. Love the new site!!! Thanks for the props, you are too kind. You are such an inspiration.


  4. The new site looks great, Rebecca! You've been a busy girl! Your mosaics are the coolest and this is a great way to showcase them.
