Friday, July 24, 2009

Pet Portraits On Cardboard!

Earlier this summer someone with another pet portrait company e-mailed me to see if I might like to feature their artwork on the blog. Nine out of 10 times I decline or ignore these sort of requests because lets face it, I am here to talk about "me", and occasionally I'll link to some of my dog artist friends that I share a support system with. So seeing the e-mail I rolled my eyes and clicked on the link, expecting some beginner site and so on. To my pleasant surprise I was charmed by not only the originality of the artwork, but also the clean slick website that presented it.

These fresh and original works are create on cardboard. When you visit their site be sure and click on the images so you can see the pop up window that will have a mouse-over showing you the depth these works have.
Their starting price is only $125 so I may just have to see what they can do with a Scottie. I really do adore their use of unexpected materials and their playful style. Check out and tell them Art Paw sent ya.


  1. You're right! This is an original idea and it is so nice of to feature it on your popular blog. I'm sure they will be inundated with inquiries because of your generosity.

  2. Lauren4:38 AM

    Am I the only one that is a little disappointed at the "eye rolling" towards beginners? We were all beginners at one point...I must say I have lost some respect here.

    I do enjoy your art but no one is perfect and we all had to start somewhere. Art is not a journey from beginner to expert, but a constant learning experience. I do hope that you don't feel you have done all you can as an artist at this point. I don't mean any offense by this, and maybe I am taking it out of context, but I was a little put off by that comment - to say the least.

  3. Lauren-
    Thanks for calling me out on that and you are so very right. To be honest the eye rolling has as much to do with my snobbery towards beginner web-design work as to beginner artwork. And yes, even when it comes to web design we all have to start some where.If you use the wayback machine you can find an early early version of and you will find plenty to roll the eyes at, both in terms of art skills and web design skills. Sorry that I came off that way, it is not my best side, yet one of my sides never the less. Something to work on I guess.

  4. These are charming and unique.
    I will hence forth stop all eyerolling in regards to...ahem
