Thursday, July 02, 2009

Recent Pet Portrait Projects

"Beast" ( See All Proofs)
"Alex" ( See All Proofs)
"Foster" ( See All Proofs)

We had to remove Mavis' Bee costume, per client request.

June was a pretty busy month. It looks like we did around 19 pet portrait proofs. These are a few projects that we are shipping this week. I have 2 more projects from last month still on the board and then I will be caught up. I am starting to get excited about Christmas already. I plan to start my Christmas in July promotions next week. Not sure what sort of discounts or offers I will be doing, but be sure and watch the blog for updates. I plan to do something special for repeat clients.


  1. I'm so glad you're busy because it is so hard for many artists in this economy. I love all these mugs but I was really impressed with the amazing job you did on Kedron Rebecca. Simply Awesome.

  2. Thanks so much Sheila! I think my good fortune has more to do with the pet niche than the art world in general. Everything I read is that people are still buying toys, treats, premium foods and all things related to their animals. I think people are focusing more on what really matters to them, and pets are at the very top of that list. I do have the best clients on the planet, and I am so grateful. Oh, and yea Kedron is a pretty cool pup.
