Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oynx The Pug

The Black Chinese Pug

I don't think I ever posted Oynx from this last month. This adorable Puggie is shipping to France today. She is an 18 x 24 and I think "she" looks great. I really like the background that the client chose on this one.


  1. Onyx is a girl :-) Can't wait to see her in person, Paris will love her!

  2. oooops... i will fix that in post!

  3. Onyx is precious. I love the background, as weel!...I wish I were being shipped to France...I was there a year ago on my honeymoon. When you get a chance (which I realize might be half-past-never, considering you just got back from vacay), check out my latest post. I'd love to include a Scottie in my new project!

  4. What a beautiful portrait Rebecca! Your work always blows me away!

  5. This is stunning. I love the blue/black of the coat that is not so easy to pull off. Especially because you have brown in there too and it all looks unified. Really great stuff.

    Sounds like vacation was fun. Nice :)

  6. oh I LOVE it Rebecca!
    What a cool background you created for her!
