Monday, September 28, 2009

Mosaic Monday Has me Screaming/ in a good way

So I played around over at Flickr this morning and tried to find some new and exciting doggy mosaics to share. All the best new stuff over there seems to be by artists I have already featured. So I tried Etsy and fell in love with the work of Bill Blazak. From his profile: " I love working with glass for its translucency, texture, and how it changes with the light of the day. I am a PhD geneticist and glass provides for me a wonderful creative outlet."

Other work not to be missed is his Gold & Red Serpent . Check out his Etsy Shop Today.


  1. Oh, haven't seen him before! Thanks for sharing. Love The Scream.

  2. Thanks for dropping by Christine. Yea, I love discovering new dudes doing mosaics and I could totally relate to his attitude of needing outside creative outlets to his day job.
