Friday, October 09, 2009

I love Meeting new Clients!

Below "Hank At Home"

I love meeting new portrait clients. Yesterday Hank's Mom dropped by to pick up her project. Hank is a lovely Chesapeake Bay Retriever, and I think my very first one. She arrived at my house with another great client from this last year and we had a lovely visit. Last night she forwarded a shot of her portrait hanging and this rounded out my week in a lovely way. I like that pretty copper colored vase below the artwork, they work very well together. Thanks to Linda for sending us a photo and so quickly! YAY!


  1. hi rebecca!
    oh how wonderful! i love seeing your portraits in their new homes!

    your work makes everyone happy!

    have a super weekend!

    m & e

  2. Brilliant, it means so much to see the portraits in their settings, it also means it was client was absolutely satisfied with the end result, and it is beautiful
