Saturday, February 06, 2010

Red Hot Poker

Red Hot Poker #1
Originally uploaded by artpaw
Hmmm, so how is that for a blog title?
I am so ready for spring. This morning I have been revisiting some macro shots I did a couple of years ago when I first got my slr digital camera. I love photography and include it on my list of minor or part time passions. I have not been shooting on a regular basis and I miss it. I find when I am using my camera every day I start seeing the world differently and noticing everything around me. Today I am off to an Art Fair, but I think Sunday I will get the camera out and take some photos.

What about you? What part time passions have you been neglecting?


  1. Really nice shot, Becca! Hope Pixel is ok...poor baby. That's hard for you guys to see happen too.:( Give her kisses from me and Maisie!

  2. Thanks Linda! She is doing so much better. She seem even happier these last few days ... Dan teased that maybe her brain needs to reboot on occasion. I hope it does not reboot again anytime soon.

  3. Fantastic shot, Rebecca!

    Catching the bee in!

    Great composition too!

