Thursday, March 18, 2010

Macro for Team Up Thursday

My image is to the left and Kris Hundt's shot is to the right. I enjoyed getting outside with the Macro lens. Boy my eye sight has gone down hill from the last time I shot macros. Manual focus was tough.


  1. When you two do these shots, is there an objective or theme for each one? I think this is such a cool idea and enjoy seeing these each week! (And can I ever relate to the eyesight deterioration!)

  2. I am loving this new blog layout...I recognize that picture in the background....

  3. Sherry-
    Yes. You can join the flickr group to find out what the theme is each week, some partners just create their own theme...I like sticking with the group prompts. Check the group out:

    Jill ...thanks I needed a change. I like it too. It made me change my website ground to match up a bit.
