Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Odd Crop For Penny

"Penny" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins/

When clients order a custom pet portrait with me they usually expect to see their entire pet on the canvas, and so I am always sure to provide a few proofs that show at least full head and shoulders. Every now and then I get a breed in or a specific pet that is begging to have some unusual cropping attempted.  Because Jack Russell's are so high energy, smart and tricky I thought it might be fun to show this girl coming into or maybe about to leave the canvas frame. I recall a Great Pyrenees named Max that I cropped because in my opinion that breed was just too darn large to be contained within the confines of a square canvas.  

Anyway, this pretty girl is Penny and this is a follow up post to Zeb below.  It makes me very sad to think about her dealing with the loss of her pal. Often times when we loose an animal family member  we can get so caught up in dealing with our own grief that we can loose sight of how it can effect the other animals in the house. We ended up adopting Ajax before we were emotionally ready after loosing our Atticus .  With the arrival of Ajax we saw an immediate change in Nessie who had been grieving pretty hard, she needed that puppy so bad and it made her final year with us a joyful one.  Our heart goes out to Penny and her family.  Her Dad tells me she found them when they weren't looking and it is our hope that Zeb or Vanity will send them another great pup when the time is right.


  1. oooh! I just love the way you cropped Penny! It makes the piece so exciting like I'm sure Penny is!!

  2. Another lovely family pet portrait, Rebecca. I don't know what is going on with me, but these past two posts have left me in tears.

  3. Thanks Manon.
    Thanks Sherry, I know it is so tough when my clients loose their pets. I have gotten stronger at dealing with it emotionally over the last 12 years and have become a little more accepting of this part of having pets for myself and for my clients. I still break out in tears sometimes too. Mostly I just feel so fortunate to have a job that celebrates and honors their lives. They are with us such a short time.
