Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Multiple Pet Project

Lady, Mitzi, Soldier, Lacie ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins /artpaw.com

Multiple pet projects can be rather challenging when it comes to composition.  When you have a variety of different types of pups in totally different poses you have to get very creative when it comes time to place them on one canvas. You will notice in the original photos here that we have one pretty girl laying down with her nose cropped off, that is Lady. Mitzi is hiding behind the chair that had to be cloned out. Lacie the white pup had a great photo with no glow eye and yet she was shot from above so when we erased her background we had a pretty image and yet her back-side was growing out of the top of her head so that had to be erased. That little rascal Soldier the yorkie had a great straight on full body shot and he was really the easiest to work with.  You will notice I placed some pillows in the scene...that was a device to try to hide areas where bodies were not filling in the entire space and in the case of Lady, she really needed something to lay on. I was able to take Ladie's top paw and place it under her chin so she looked like she was resting better, that paw would have been a real problem left where it was.  I crab a lot about the how hard multiple pet projects can be but the reality is that I enjoy a challenge, and with pups as cute as these how could I miss?

1 comment:

  1. This is fabulous! The mommy and/or daddy of these cuties is going to be over the moon!!
