Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Chihuahua Dog Art

Over the years I have worked from a few black and white photos. While I prefer high quality color photographs it is always exciting to see the transformation when I do have to color something from scratch.  I really like how bright Shesha turned out.

"Shesha" ( see all proofs )
© rebecca collins /artpaw.com


  1. oh how beautiful rebecca!
    you really made her come to life!

  2. Wow! that is a pretty amazing transformation. I would be excited also by that outcome!!

  3. I love the American flag collar on this little Chihuahua! LOL (I find humor in the smallest of things!) She is gorgeous, Rebecca! Look at the soul in her eyes!

  4. Thanks guys! Sherry, I know ... the collar is so cute, it was fun to color in. I chose a slightly aqua blue instead of navy on that.
