Friday, June 25, 2010

Vote For My Pal Emmitt

I have been meaning to tell you guys about a calendar contest that is happening that will help DFW Pugs Rescue. Check out the voting page and place a vote for my pal Emmitt. Each vote is just one dollar, you can donate $10 and specify that your giving 10 votes to Emmitt Langer. You can read more about the contest on his Mom's blog.  Or just go on over to the DFW contest page and scroll down to find Emmitt & vote... all it takes is one dollar to help some pugs in need.

1 comment:

  1. hi rebecca!

    this is emmitt!

    thank you so much for helping me be a puggy pin up for DFW.

    every dollar goes right to the puggies in their care.

    i really appreciate your post!

