Monday, July 05, 2010

Mosaic Monday/ Rosie The Bull Terrier

Rosie and Mosaic
Originally uploaded by trjcraft
Posting this one for my assistant's Mom to enjoy. Lola comes from a Bull Terrier family, her Mom shows Bullies, and takes ribbons. It is a great breed, and one of the few that my husband has mentioned possibly wanting besides the Scotts.

I do not know much about this mosaic artist ( trjcraft), and just discovered her this morning over at Flickr. She has some great ATC's and quilts in her photo stream as well. Click through on the photo to visit her stream and see more of her art and more of Rosie the Bull Terrier.


  1. OMG! I have a bull terrier too! I knew I loved Art Paw for some reason ;)

    P.S. Lola's mom must be super patient. Bullies are crazy dogs.

  2. Hey Eve... I know, I thought of you too with this one. I also have a pal in mosaic class that has a mini-bullie, along with 2 Scotts. She says they are a total handful!

  3. That pic made me smile...big!! Gorgeous mosaic and bull terrier!!

  4. Rebecca, I love how you feature the work of other artists besides your own. I also love how you have two major methods of art: mosaics and the digital pieces you share. Such a fun blog for me to visit!

  5. Hi Becca, that looks like the Target dog! Really nice mosaic.

  6. Hi Manon, I know I love that sweet girl next to her portrait.
    Hi Sherry, thanks I enjoy finding other artists on-line and sharing their work. Sometimes I think it is weird that I am combining 2 totally different mediums into one blog, but I guess the variety can be fun.
    Hi Linda! Thanks for stopping by. Yep, target and for those of us around in the 80's a Bullie named Spuds Mckenzie was hawking beer.

  7. Tania9:52 PM

    Thanks so much sharing my mosaic and wonderful Rosie with others. Really happy you like it - I had a lot of fun making it.
    Tania (trjcraft)
