Friday, October 15, 2010

Flash Back Friday/ Peace Chick

© Becky Lansdowne
© Becky Lansdowne  
Ha, you will notice on these Flash Back Friday posts I have gone from Rebecca Collins to Rebecca Lansdowne, and now with these drawings I was "Becky Lansdowne". It was the early 70's and I was around 12 years old when I doodled these.  I think when I run out of scanned art to share I will dig around for old pics of me and past pets. You guys need to meet my first cat Juno. She was all white and when I was a kid I dressed her up in doll clothes.

I do have more new pet art to post very soon, including some cat art.


  1. these! I like the cool amber glasses in the second one.

    The painting Christine did of Atticus is awesome! She is such a talent.
