Saturday, November 27, 2010

3 - Dog Night!!!

Ok just a very quick little text post today. The weather has turned here in Texas and the chill is upon us. I am happy to report that we will be having a 3-dog night. Yes we have a chilly winter evening that requires 3 dogs in the house to keep you warm. Well, the universe has thrown a dog at us and we are back to having THREE again!!! It is way too soon, and we are not ready, but little Ajax needs something to distract him from the empty hole that Big Tommy has left in our hearts when he left us. So...........................

We are adopting a Wire Hair Fox Terrier! Thank you Vikki, for forwarding the info about the rescue puppy "Cliff Lee" ... soon to be renamed .... I think .... probably he will be called "Whitman", after both Walt Whitman and Dan's Grandfather, a sweet crusty old guy that lived to be like 95 or something.

Dan once had a Fox Terrier named Scout years before we married. A mythical creature, with fold down ears, I have long been enamoured with the breed!

So anyway ... watch the blog for pics of our little new Fox Terrier ... soon.


  1. I love 3 Dog Night! I have read many blogs from passionate animal lovers, but this post about your DOG is one of the best!

  2. Ahhh looking forward to seeing pictures.

    Also thank you the cards and bookmark arrived safely today. They are even more fab in real life. I love them.x

  3. How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipee! Love the name and the breed. Can't wait to see pics! Congrats!

  4. Thanks for the comments everyone. So busy with work & life I am falling behind with the blog. Will try to post pics this weekend of Mr. Whitman.
