Monday, March 21, 2011

Mosaic Monday: Piece Love And Smalti

 Local Mosaic artist Barbara Dybala has become a new distributor for smalti from China.  When she was organizing her business and getting the new shopping website started she decided to name the smalti colors and lines after mosaic artists and so she put a shout out to people in the mosaic community wanting to have a color named after them. Since I am a total color junkie I jumped on that opportunity and my color is PM8009 Plum DandyYou can order the Plum Dandy Mix on their website and try out their very well priced tessera.  My mix is at the bottom right corner of the screen shot below.... go on ... you know you need some! Save 10% in March.

Piece Love and Smalti


  1. Pretty cool! And how smart is Barbara?!

  2. Christine! I know, she seems like a really natural networker and it all comes from a very genuine and very authentic place. I am hoping to interview her soon in her new studio. She seems like a really smart business woman.
