Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tate & Bijou

"Tate" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins /

"Bijou" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins /
This week I proofed Bijou & Tate. The summer heat is starting to zap my energy just a bit. Being inside working on pet portraits is about all that I want to do and yet I am also getting cabin fever. This weekend I am going to work on my mosaics and that should energize me.

What are you guys doing to beat the summer heat? I have a great video I will post soon of our dog Whitman playing in the water. He loves the water hose. When he was just a puppy I allowed him to get in the shower with me once and since then he has been totally fascinated with water. I like having a water dog. Big Tommy loved the water too.


  1. Nice pics i like it how to get it by paint???

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