Monday, January 30, 2012

Mosaic Monday / El Corazon

El Corazon Opening is next Sat. Feb 4rth ( 7-9)
Click to enlarge invitation
© rebecca collins
5 x 18 Sold
 I sold my piece for this show before the show even opened, so it gets to start out with a red dot! Zowie, and now I have a "collector" with my mosaic work.  I was meeting up with my patron yesterday at the Bath House to deliver a mosaic that she had purchased at Tres Milagros and she saw the new piece as I was taking it out of my car and decided she had to have it too. I am so very pleased that this piece is going to a great home. I am extremely fortunate to have people that support me in my art.  You can see Murmur at The Bath House Cultural Center in Dallas From Feb  4rth - March 3rd.  I am showing alongside some very talented artists.

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