Friday, February 17, 2012

Flashback Friday / Atticus

Thinking about Atticus today. He was our first Scottie and the inspiration for Art Paw.  He was an only dog before Nessie came along and in those early years we took him everywhere with us.  He was one of the few dogs that we were able to have under total voice control and so he was actually allowed off-leash in some places. The image above was take at Barton Springs in Austin Texas. In looking for images today I found a lot of burned cds with the words "pics" scrawled on them. It made me realize I am way over due for cd burning. If my current computers died tomorrow we would loose a lot of photos of our current pups. 

Back up and burn your photos! They are with us such a short time. Be sure and preserve your memories.  I can not tell you how many memorial pet portrait projects I have done from photographs that were like the "one and only" photo people could find. So I guess my 2nd suggestion would be go out and shoot some more photos this weekend of your fur-kids, I think I am going to.

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