Thursday, March 29, 2012

Horse Art

"Gonzo & Vinnie" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins /

"Gonzo & Vinnie" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins /

 This week I got to play with a couple of stunning horses. An old college pal contacted me to create some artwork for her sister.  I have created artwork of horses before, but this is my first 2-horse portrait.
About The Artwork: I combined two different images of Vinnie, the brown horse in order to create this portrait. The image with the human had the best detail on the brown horse-head and the head was facing the right way so I took it and placed it on the body from another pic (after flipping the body shot side to side, so the body faced the right direction). It was important to have the head facing the right  way to start with because you can not rotate or flip a photo of an animal with unique markings, as it will not read correctly.
About Composition: It is always a challenge to combine multiple pets into one project. I instinctively placed the white or light grey horse to our left because we read from left to right. It made the most sense to have the darker animal to the right where our eye would finally rest, that shape is heavier due to the darker hue. Vinnie is also engaging us more with his face towards us, so again, it makes the most sense to have our eyes rest at the right on that horse.  The leather harness straps on Gonzo make some nice negative space shapes and they break up the background well giving him some more movement and interest. I am pleased and can not wait to see this large 24 x 36 inch portrait printed up next week. My friend chose the first sample above with the wooden background ...  the wood is a photo-shopped image of a door I shot in Italy last year. The graffiti wall below it is also from Italy and makes for a funny horse in the city vibe.

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