Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Mountain Dog Portraits

This week I have proofed 2 different clients with Mountain Dogs. Potter is a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog and Roger is a Bernese. Sometimes the work flows in here like that, I will do several of one type of breed and then not see that breed again for a year or more. These big pups were a lot of fun to play with.

"Roger" ( see all proofs)
24 x 36
© rebecca collins /
"Roger" ( see all proofs)
24 x 36
© rebecca collins /
original photo
About Roger's Art:
This project will ship to Switzerland once the client approves their favorite proof. This was a fun project, the original photo was pretty good, I just had to brighten up the left side of the face a wee bit. The eye to our left was really hiding in shadow. This project is a large 24 x 36 and I played around a bit in the proofing round showing both a vertical and horizontal layout.

"Potter"  ( see all proofs)
16 x 16
© rebecca collins /

"Potter"  ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins /
"Potter"  ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins /
Original photo
About Potter's Art:
The client originally ordered a long 12 x 36 painterly style portrait. This long skinny format is perfect for multiple pet projects however it often leaves a lot of blank background space when only one subject is shown. The 2nd sample of Potter above shows one solution I came up with for the design challenge and that was to play with text about the breed and a full body breed silhouette pattern. I also showed a 16 x 16 square option and that is the layout the client preferred. Friday we will ship out the last art sample shown above in this group.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    About Roger... All paintings are wonderful... For sure the subject was helpful...
    Thanks a lot...
    Roger's Dad
