Monday, May 07, 2012

Mosaic Monday / Paper Dog Mosaics

I love the web, you just never know what you are going to find. Today when searching for dog mosaics to share with you I found some lovely paper mosaics created in 2008 by students of Christina Hoff at the Alta Loma Middle School in San Fransico. Her assignment was for them to read the story "The Dog of Pompeii" and then write their own historical fiction essay, create  a paper mosaic of their dog, and also create a "Bulla" ( necklace or amulet that male Romans were given nine days after their birth to protect them against evil spirits and forces).

Click here to go see the details of her project and read the great stories that the kids came up with. Seeing these great mosaics makes me want to create a paper mosaic of my terriers!

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