Monday, July 16, 2012

Mosaic Monday / Studio Newsletter

I started a Mosaic Newsletter this last month and sent it out to a few of my local mosaic pals. It was mostly just a very brief recap of the last mosaic ATC card trade however I also included some personal news about one of my own projects and an upcoming mosaic class I will be teaching in late August at the Creative Arts Center here in Dallas. I plan to try and write around 4 Mosaic newsletter updates a year and will be including news of local art related events and happenings. You can read this first archived letter on-line.
Feel free to subscribe if you want to stay up to date on my classes, local ATC card trades, and other assorted mosaic related news.

Newsletter writing can be so difficult at times. You don't want to bore people and yet you want to stay connected and offer information that you think  might be of interest. It also seems like you are throwing one more "shout" into an already over connected and over saturated on-line world. This morning I got a very nice e-mail from a friend that said she enjoyed reading the letter and that while her husband stays connected on-line via facebook, she enjoys receiving info by e-mail.  I guess each to their own. I will try the mosaic newsletter writing for a year and may try to get back to it for my doggy and kitty fans as well here at Art Paw.  So maybe 8 letters total to 2 different art worlds ... hmmm, yea I guess I can take that on. 

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