Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pet Portrait Updates

"Lulu & Harry"
© rebecca collins / artpaw.com
"Parker & Pepper"
© rebecca collins / artpaw.com
Working on design updates today. The pups at top are for a terrific repeat client in the UK that always gives me great photos to work with. The canine-feline duo are for a client that is doing multiple projects this month. I am starting on her Westies next. Both clients are purchasing portraits as gifts for their pals. Yay!

Going to try hard to get back to more frequent blog posting. I am teaching one night a week at our local creative arts center here in Dallas and also taking a ceramics art class one night a week.  I find a direct correlation between how much I blog and how active I am in the physical world. It seems that the more I get out of the house and meet with other artists in my city the less time I have to spend on line. I am always trying to find the right balance when it comes to my web-life and my real life. I know that my blog gives my business a pulse and reassures potential clients that yes, there is a real person going to work each day here at Art Paw.

1 comment:

  1. I think we all can relate to your situation. We all do need a life outside the internet world and it's all about time management, discipline and coming up with the right balance. Anyways, all the luck with that :) Love the picture on top!
