Monday, February 04, 2013

Mosaic Monday/ Spare Parts Robot Totem

A"Spare Parts Robot Totem"
© rebecca collins
Last August I started on this project. It got set aside when I got really swamped in the fall with portrait commissions.  I am really happy to be back on him. I wrote extensively on my plans for this fellow last August.

He has come a long way since then.  You can see the prepped board without any tess below....
Once I get the base board glassed in I will grout and then work on top of that base with chunky tess that will not be grouted.  You can see where I have laid out some black & silver bits ... those have not been glued yet.  I will also be making some paper collage tessera on thin balsa that will get varnished and placed on top so that more of the digital collage work shows above on a top layer.
This project is an experiment where I am trying to move forward with my layers and get chunky and build the work out and above the glassy collage work. You may  not can tell from this shot but the spare parts sit on top of a thin board that gets bolted on.  Even the ceramic robot head will get bolted on top ... see image below for the mechanics.
I love the long size on this mosaic. This project is 12 x 36 x 2, and I would love to do 3 of these guys in different color combinations.

1 comment:

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