Sunday, December 08, 2013

Dallas is Thawing Out

Japanese Maple In the Ice
© rebecca collins
Well we have had a couple of very cold and icy days.  It is not over yet, but we did get above freezing today. I have been working while the rest of Dallas has been enjoying some time away from work. My husband is in printing and so of course he braved the ice, because nothing stops the presses from running. There was no ice in the hallway between my bedroom and my office so I had no excuse not to go to work this weekend. Even though I work from home and rarely go anywhere besides the post office, I am starting to feel a little cabin fever.

The dogs are restless and totally over the novelty of the hard white ground.  We are very fortunate that we did not loose our power. Many people in Dallas are without power and will be until Oncor gets caught up.

Next week I will be shipping out the last of November's approved projects. I have started on December orders and I feel totally on top of the season. It is an odd feeling. We are a little slower here at Art Paw this year, and I am ok with that. At first when I compared my numbers to last year's I was a bit worried, and now I have decided that busy and steady is a much better way to live than crazed and overwhelmed. 

Thanks to all of my terrific Holiday clients that Have supported the Arts this year!

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