Thursday, January 02, 2014

Drawing Dogs

"Drawing Dogs" by Diana Thorne © 1952
Some of our very good friends gave us the most perfect gift this holiday season, a signed copy of Drawing Dogs by Diana Thorne. I really adore this little jewel. Dan and I both have a thing about old books and signed books are especially cherished. This gift is very timely as I move forward into the new year thinking about teaching the art of Photoshop and pet portraiture. Last year I gave 2 workshops on Photoshop at the Creative Arts Center in Dallas.  I also picked up 2 private students that I have been working with in my studio and through Adobe Connect.  My next workshop will be in April at the Creative Arts Center.

Reading through this little book and seeing Diana's insights and tips on working from live models makes me want to sketch a lot more this year with traditional media. My current commercial business model will always require that I work from photos and take full advantage of digital technologies however I feel that if I can get back to my roots of a daily drawing practice with old fashion paper and pencil my commercial work will benefit as will all of my personal art projects.

The book had a cloth marker in it that my pals had placed on the page with 3 terriers resembling our own little pack of 2 Scotties and a Wire Hair Fox Terrier.
"To George E
Do get well fast, George
Diana Thorne"
Thanks to Bob & Lorna for such a sweet and thoughtful gift.

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