Thursday, February 27, 2014

Art Paw Proofing Archives

Today I am browsing through old client proofs to get ready for Terrier month in March on my Facebook fan page. I started using Smug Mug way back in 2008 as a proofing platform for my clients.

I just looked at my image upload totals and discovered that
I have uploaded 20,787 proofs to Smug Mug in the last 6 years. 
That does not mean I have had that many clients, keep in mind each single client gets around 10 to 14 colorful proofing samples to choose from. Still, that is a lot of work to be proud of I would say.

In looking over my past pet portrait projects I enjoy seeing how my digital painting style changes and evolves over time. Some months I experiment a lot with different new backgrounds, sometimes I use color turned up all the way until it screams and other times I am more tame in my approach.

Below are just a few old favorites.

"Beast" 2009
© rebecca collins /
Beast had some very bright and bold background options.
"Beast" 2009
© rebecca collins /
"Angus" 2008
© rebecca collins /

"Sunny" 2008
© rebecca collins /
Sunny is one of my all time favorite Boston Terriers. This image is on a postcard and is also for sell at my Etsy shop.


  1. Hi Rebecca!!! Great to see you! They are all so pretty but you know the Boston is my fave!!

  2. Hey girl-
    Thanks for stopping by ...I need to hop over to your blog and see what you have been up to.
