Monday, May 02, 2016

Mosaic Monday / Luna Mosaic Interview/ Community

Today I want to send a thanks and a shout out to both Sally May Kinsey  and Cherie Bosela  for the terrific interview and feature they gave me on Luna Mosaics' new website. 
Luna Mosaic Arts is Cherie's new shopping site and brick and mortar mosaic shop located in Orlando Florida. Each month they will be featuring a new artist.  Last month they talked with Flair Robinson  and showcased her wonderful brightly colored creations. This month I was featured, you can read the full article on-line here.

Luna Mosaic Arts ... Go buy some candy!

Featured Artist ... me!

 When Sally sent me the interview questions one that I had to really think about was "Tell us about your single greatest mosaic moment."  I could have talked about going to Italy to study with a very special group of mosaic pals that I met at the Creative arts Center of Dallas, or the trading card parties we use to have, or any number of shows, or my first Sama conference and meeting cyber pals for the first time, or teaching my first class. The one moment in time that really stood out was the "Tres Milagros" show I was invited to participate in back in 2011. It was the brain child of my teacher and mentor Katrina Doran and she invited both Apryl Begay and me to be part of it. We all three worked for months on pieces for the show.  We often took over my dining room table and worked together all day on Sundays bringing in food from a local Mediterranean restaurant. Everyone had serious life challenges and losses along the way that year and yet the mosaic work happened and a close bond formed.

 In looking back over the years all of the mosaic events and special moments that I cherish have less to do with the work itself and more to do with the people and the communities that I am part of. I have a feeling that Cherie is going to do great with this new business venture because bringing Sally on board to write these artist interviews is all about community. When you know your community and you are committed to them you are bound to be successful.

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