Saturday, January 27, 2007
Running with the big dogs!
Wow, this past month we have seen quite a few big dogs come through the studio. We have worked on portraits for all types of retrievers including golden's, black labs, white labs, and yellow labs. I also finished up the artwork for a boxer and a little boston terrier that probably thinks he is a big dog. Today I met with a lovely lady that wants me to work on her akita. I have only created artwork of one other akita in 8 years so this should be a real treat.
I have not been blogging very much lately because I feel a little bit behind on my projects however I should be caught up by the end of the month with most of my portrait work. I have some non-pet related art projects spinning around in my head and I hope to be able to jump on those very soon.
Awwwwww...look at sweet Sophie. Another winner, Rebecca! Love the contemporary background too.