Saturday, April 07, 2007

Izzy the Dappled Doxie

Izzy is a Traveling Girl
Originally uploaded by artpaw.
This is Miss Izzy and she is my 100th post to Flickr. I hope to play some more with this girl over the weekend and add her to the site soon.

Izzy is an unusual little dappled Doxie with one blue eye and one brown eye. She is shown here in her green traveling tote. Sometimes you see tiny little toy pups in bags and you sorta wonder if the dog is a fashion accessory or what. This little girl on the other hand looks like a real scrapper to me, and when you read her human's Flickr blog you discover that this little pup gets to go hiking in a backpack and she travels to many cool places other than the Mall and Starbucks.

You can see Izzy's original pic here.


  1. This one is so cool, Rebecca. I love the pink and green pattern underneath the tote too. Happy Easter to you and Dan, Ajax, Big T and Pixel Pup. xox

  2. Hey Thanks Linda! You crazy girl, are you web surfing in the car on the way to your weekend getaway. I do that too ... we got a pc card for the laptop so we can be wired all the time.
