Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Free Art Print Contest

Today I am giving away 2 free prints from my Etsy Shop!

I am offering 2 free reproduction prints on canvas from my Etsy Shop to 2 lucky winners. You can win a reproduction print of your choice ( no not your own pet, sorry ) valued at $24.99 or less. To win just be the first or the last person to comment on this post.
How To Enter This Contest:
Post a kind comment on this post by midnight tonight ( 7/30).
#2 Check Back on 7/31.
Was your comment the first on this post or the last? If so ... then you WIN! You have to post a comment to have a chance (no e-mails please). Multiple posts by the same person are not allowed if you are trying to be last.
Tomorrow I will post the winners and tell them how to redeem.

Click on any image below to visit my Etsy Shop. Shoppers are welcome!


  1. Anonymous3:47 AM

    I'm not sure I can claim the prize in the UK but I do love the images so I'll give it a shot. :) If I can I plan to present it to a cousin who recently lost her cat as a condolence gift.

  2. I'll ship to the UK problem.

  3. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I love your blog. Great contest idea.

  4. Oooh! I love your work. (Found you on Flickr long ago, but found out you had a blog through Twitter.)
    Anyway, here's my entry and crossed fingers!

  5. LOVE your art it's sooo cute! Saw this on Twitter. fingers crossed here as well!

  6. What a great idea, Beccs!! :) I am sure you had some very happy winners.
    My three year pet portrait blog anniversary's coming up and I want to do something special for it... I'm thinking...
