Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Continuing my Art Education in 09

It is that time of year again where we all start thinking about those extra 10 pounds, business goals, and so on. This year I want to go back to school so to speak and focus on continuing my art education. I am still thinking about how exactly I can do that without actually going back to school full time since that is sort of hard to do when you run your own art business. I don't really care about getting another piece of paper and so I am not as interested in pursuing a Masters degree as I am about pursuing a more intimate relationship with, local galleries, museums, and yea, my part time mosaic classes for sure.

This year I had a great Christmas and Dan and I both exchanged art books with each other. We do this a lot. I usually buy him pretty books on Japanese printmaking and he often gets me something by some independent artist like Jeff Soto. This year I received Jeff's latest book and a stunning little number by Ray Cesar. I bought Dan a nice book on old Chinese propaganda posters and a biography on Chagall. It is the thick Chagall "reader" that I was most excited about giving. I am thinking we might even share this one out loud the way we did with the Harry Potter series. Yep, I think if I am going to improve my knowledge of art it will have to come down to reading, ha and something a tad meatier than wizarding stories. Wish me luck .... I will let you know how it goes.


  1. Happy New Year Rebecca!

    here's to another great year!

    m & e

  2. Happy New Year Rebecca!
    I think it's a wonderful idea to continue art education! I talked about this the other night with friends. We're never done learning! New ideas keep our work fresh.
    Have you ever thought about attending an artist's retreat? I think that's something I'd like to do!

  3. Hi Melissa & Manon. Yep, I would love to do something like that. Before Galveston got thrashed last year I was even thinking about hosting a retreat at the Beach here in Texas. I may still look into it, I'll have to rethink location though.

  4. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Hi Becca,

    Happy New Year. I am just catching up so first seeing this post.

    I'm so glad you are looking at some more art education this year because it gives me a chance to remind you about the smARTist Telesummit starting in a couple of weeks. During a 2 week time period, 11 experts will be covering a wide range of topics in the field of being an artist, promoting oneself and running an artist business. This is the third year during which I'll be participating, glad that all calls are recorded so I can catch up with what I miss while I'm away.

    Go to smARTist Telesummit for details. There are links at the top of the page that will give you access to the first two preliminary calls - VORP - was all 11 panelists discussing what they will be covering. There is one more pre-event call coming up with Mari Smith next week.

    Hope to "see" you there on the phone lines :) BTW, next year, I expect, with all of your artist and business creativity and skills, that you'll be one of the panelists.

    A very Joyous, Healthy, Prosperous New Year for us all.

    Much love,

  5. Sounds fantastic!!! Happy New Year
