Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Dog Art was really on Good Morning Texas!

Behind the Scenes at 
The Good Morning Texas Shoot Today!

Yay ... I think I did pretty good this morning with my 15 seconds of fame.  All of the people at the Good Morning Texas Studio were so nice and so fun. Everybody was very professional and I think the art work showed well.  I will try to post a video embed later this week, sometimes that is easy to do and sometimes not so easy. If it shows up on their site it will be a breeze to share it ... crossing fingers. 

Thanks to show producer Angie Carpenter for contacting us to come out with our pet portraits and to Amy Vanderoef for being such a fun host.  Oh, and thanks to family and friends for rooting for us.


  1. Congrats Rebecca! You deserve it.

    Looking so dapper in your TV clothes. ;) Love the earrings.

    Hope you post the vid! Can't wait to watch.

  2. Thanks so much Eve! I love my new blazer. Spent a fortune preparing for this with new makeup, new clothes and so on ... the reality is PR like this is priceless. I am a very lucky girl and I know it. Oh, and the earrings are by my artist pal Rebecca Swann. I was very happy to be wearing her work.

  3. You look fabulous!! Congratulations, Rebecca! You should end up with even more work than you already do have!! Success, however, has already been reached just by your marvelous works!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Sherry- Thanks so much. Yesterday was a long and wonderful day. I have been lucky over the last 12 years to have a couple of other TV opportunities, and yet I felt this one went the best and I was not too nervous, just enough to be on my toes.

  6. You look so great, Becca. Tres professional. Was it a 52 minute interview??

    I just searched the Dallas TV site to see if I could find anything on it. I surely hope that they give you a clip or two. Would be great to watch.

  7. Awesome! So glad it went well and didn't let the nerves get to you. Had it been me, I would've run out of the studio! Can't wait to see the video!

  8. Sheila ... ha, no, more like 52 seconds ...it went really fast. Christine, I'll try to figure a way to get it posted this week, I could always video tape the TV?
