Thursday, September 30, 2010

Challenges For Pet Portrait Artists

Ask any pet portrait artist what their number one challenge is and they will tell you getting high quality photographs from their clients. Ask any digital pet portrait artist and they will tell you the same thing and they will specify getting a "high resolution image" is almost impossible. I have created a video with FAQ's about how to send us a photo at the proper resolution, and my assistant Lola is starring in it as the questioner ...  check it out below.

We have so much available to us with technology and I know most of my clients have pretty decent digital cameras, heck even an inexpensive point and shoot can produce photographs at a size of at least 500K.  So what goes wrong and why do 9 out of 10 clients have trouble sending high res. images?

Here is my top 5 List of why some client images are so tiny in resolution:

• Some e-mail programs will auto-crunch your image when you send it without you even knowing it. If you think this may be happening you can upload your pics directly to us here:
• Some clients upload all their pics to facebook as a storage solution, not realizing that facebook will auto-crunch the yummy resolution right out of their photos so that the images load quickly on the web. They look great on your monitor and you never know that the file size has been reduced until you download it for printing.
• Some clients use the Kodak site to store their images and then send us a small web version from their main gallery. Know that Kodak still has the high resolution version that you can access and this page on their site will explain how to access your original files:
• Some images are tiny to start with because they are cell phone images. Most cellphones take really tiny resolution images because you can store more on your phone that way.
• Some clients send images from their free Flickr accounts. You must have a pro account at flickr to access your original high resolution version of your photos. You can learn more here:


  1. Good info, Rebecca!! I have a pro Flickr account and love it. It's really not expensive and easy to use.

  2. Thanks Manon! I love flickr too, and have a pro account.
